• One day prior to appointment, RMT will connect with each client and ask them to complete the BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment If they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 their appointment will be cancelled. RMT will recommend they get tested for COVID-19 and start by calling 8-1-1.
Symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to other respiratory illnesses and seasonal allergies. An appointment must be cancelled immediately if either the client or the therapist presents with even mild symptoms that may be signs of Covid-19 including:
· Fever
· Cough
· Chills
· Shortness of breath
· Sore throat or pain with swallowing
· Stuffy or runny nose
· Loss of sense of smell
· Muscle aches
· Fatigue
· Loss of appetite
If client is experiencing symptoms or has come into contact with someone (in the past 14 days) who is experiencing symptoms/has tested positive for COVID-19 their appointment will be cancelled and they will not be charged for the late cancellation/missed appointment.
Clients must confirm they have not traveled outside British Columbia in the previous 14 days.
• RMT and client will run through the self-assessment questionnaire together to confirm safety and trust in moving forward.
• Further screening questions asked include; has the client isolated within a restricted “bubble” and if so, for how long? Has he or she had extensive contact with individuals outside his/her immediate family, pod, or unit (other than service workers at grocery stores, banks, other)? Is the client aware of anyone in their contacts who has COVID-19 symptoms?
• Only 1 client is permitted in the clinic space at a time. There will be 30 minutes between each appointment to avoid overlap. Clients are asked to arrive no more than 5 minutes before their scheduled appointment.
• It is not possible to maintain physical distancing in the treatment room.
• Client uses the hand sanitizing station provided or washes hands in the washroom upon arrival. Soap and single use towels will be available at all times.
• RMT washes hands before and after treatment with soap and water for a min. of 20 seconds
• Hand-washing protocols are posted visibly in washroom
• Payment occurs in the reception area. Cash will not be accepted at this time, e-transfer will. Tap is available for card use.
• Receipts will be emailed, not printed.
• Client will be asked to keep all personal belongings in a plastic bin which will be sanitized between treatments.
• Nothing remains in the clinic space that cannot be disinfected after each touch.
• Visibly soiled surfaces will be cleaned followed by disinfection.
• Linens (including blankets) will be single use only, then laundered in hot soapy water.